
  • Pascal Serial Communication With Arduino
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 27. 17:20

    When microcontroller or microprocessor need to communicate with the outer world, then they provide data in the form of 8 bits packets, so if one system needs to communicate with the other one, then total 8 wires cable is used and it is not a always a practical solution because the signal will distort when travel to the long distance. It is also expensive because of the high cost of the bundle of 8 wires this protocol is named as parallel communication after this the need of the new protocol is awakened and then designer introduce a new protocol which is named as serial protocol it used only 3 wires to transmit all the data of 8 line. In serial protocol, 8 bits data is converted to the serial stream of bits by the parallel in serial out shift register. In the receiving side, it is converted to parallel 8 bits data by serial in parallel out shift register.


    Serial Communication Tutorial

    Serial data communication uses 2 methods synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous method transfer block of data at the time while asynchronous transfer byte by byte. Mostly asynchronous mode of operation used in serial communication.There are three types of communication systems in serial communication. Serial protocol is known as the RS232 protocol in this one byte data is placed between the start and stop bits and this process is called framing. This standard was initially set for Standard PC and many types of equipment many years before the invention of TTL logic.


    In RS232 logic High is defined by the voltage level -1 to-25 while 0 is represented by +3 to +25 volts to make this compatible with TTL logic a voltage convertor is used and most widely used IC for this purpose is MAX232. Arduino has built in capability to make TTL and Standard PC port compatible.

    Arduino Serial Communication Protocol

    Programming Arduino for serial Communication.

    Serial Communication Arduino To Pi

    Table of Contents.Description:Arduino Nodemcu two way communication – In this Tutorial, you will learn how to do two way communication between Arduino and blynk through Nodemcu esp8266 wifi module. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to monitor multiple analog sensors and you will also be able to control multiple loads. In this project, no multiplexers will be used. All the sensors and loads will be connected with the Arduino in a normal way while the Nodemcu esp8266 wifi module will be used as the bridge only.

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